Friday, July 31, 2009

ENTRY 1 : I Am Worthy!

I just read a blog by Jason Mraz titled 'you are worthy'. Mraz mentioned to people about the Gratitude Cafe Tour. The mission is to strengthen the community in this world. He is offering a platform to show people how this amazing universe works. I think The Gratitude Cafe Tour is the wonderful idea. Its good for community in this world.
I would love to be part of it but unfortunately it is not being held in Malaysia. So I guess I just have to extend my being grateful as a start with my own community and with others whom I could reach for now. There are so many other means, right? Nothing is impossible.. I always put in mind that I still have ample of time.. I have to be positive..or else I would not be moving further forward and see the future..
Thank you Jason Mraz for what you bring to the world. Your energy and positivity are significant and you inspire me to live a worry-free life of beauty and peace while always sharing my love with others. Thank you for all that you have done and continue to do.

1st blog!

Fuh finally!!manage to create my own blog.i would not care about this cyber thingy if my lecturer did not insist her students to have miss siti fatihah,are you satisfied?hehe.anyway it is good to get involved in the blog world, social networking n stuff like this so that we are always aware with what is happening in the world today and not becoming an IT illiterate,i supposed.actually im trying to convinced myself and seek the rationale of creating the know guys do not really into blogging stuff or is it only me?whatever..and yes,there are some rules in writing our blog.we can not use short forms in our writing and each blog has to be written at least one hundred and fifty words!(i intentionally did not use the numbers so it would be longer..=p) ok i do not know what else to talk about as im trying the free writing format,no listing or points so till then..